Bear, DE - Commercial Structure Repair - Matthews Wall Anchor

Commercial Structure Repair in Bear, DE

For over 35 years, Matthews Wall Anchor has been stabilizing and strengthening new and existing commercial buildings in Bear, DE. You may find that other foundation repair companies only offer a small number of services for their customers, but we are proud to offer a wide selection of repair services such as piling, underpinning, and shoring. We also are proud to offer civil engineers and structural contractors to help make sure the project meets all codes and requirements from start to finish.

BearMatthews Wall Anchor’s team of professionals has the knowledge and experience to perform an assessment of your property and give you an estimate and outline of any repairs needed. Some things to look for around your property include:

  • Poor drainage
  • Soil erosion
  • Leaky plumbing
  • Excessive watering around the foundation
  • Rainwater runoff from sidewalks or driveways


If you find any of these symptoms around your property, give us a call as soon as you can. If left unchecked, these problems can lead to cracked foundation walls, bowing walls, or uneven settlement. Our structural solutions can restore your garage, bridge, building, storage shed, and much more.

Types of Structural Repair and Structural Engineering in Bear, DE

Piling Solutions

  • We use augercast piles and helical piles to support bridges, towers, and more
  • Quick installation repair method
  • Resist axial compression and tension loads
  • Loaded immediately after installation


Underpinning Solutions

  • Use steel push piers or helical piers to transfer loads from the soil to stronger, suitable soil
  • Restores and lifts the structure back to normal
  • Uses quiet, vibration free, hand-held equipment


Shoring Solutions

  • Supports the structure during construction and prevents the wall from collapsing
  • Stabilizes any size foundation
  • Requires minimal excavation and disturbance to the work area
  • Uses soil nailing that consists of steel tendons used to stabilize and support the soil

Matthews Wall Anchor is proud to use products and tools made by Earth Contact Products. Contact us to learn more about our products and services.


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